157 west 29th street New York, NY 10001
212 447 1018
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For all NEW updates and Products please click here
You'll never
have a product or price advantage that
cannot be easily duplicated, but strong
customer Service can't be copied
--- Bhopi International
Bhopi International has been a
staggering influence in the line of the fashion
industry in the heart of New York City for over more than two decades.
Ranging from full African outerwear, to African and Indian jewelry, our
products continue to pioneer into the streets of New York and continue to
grow in popularity and fashion. As a well orientated family owned company,
we understand that pride in our work is the greatest importance to you and
we will try our best to help and maintain that bond of trust and friendship.
We carry a full line of
Kaftans, (caftan), Grand Bou Bou, Dashiki's,
Men Set's, Women Set's, Skirts, Tops, and countless other items!!!
To browse around our
website, we suggest you look at the Updates Link above.
Throughout the year we add new items to our \website, and this is the best
way for our customers to see what our newest additions are.